понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

frankfort ky

I am holidays now.Well,just one weekapos;s over another week started just today.I thought that my holidays would be like they were as always: Boring but kinda relaxing somehow.Well,it is relaxing for me to sleep as long as I want to.And even itapos;s somehow a good feeling being home alone watch movies or listen to music as loud as I can.But do this one week long youapos;ll get bored anyway.. Itapos;s not like,you know,that I am missing school - of course not. I just miss the people around there.Well,I should be busy with homework and stuff like this but I just have no delight to do it.Maybe tomorrow. But well,in the end I end up doing it because I am bored...
Today I was in town in the city and I end up buying a necklace which looks kinda funny.Itapos;s a "pandabear" I somehow liked it apos;cause it just looked so carefree.When I think about life I couldnapos;t look at life like this "pandabaer". But well,wouldnapos;t it be just too easy if everything would go how we wanted to?
Anyway.Today in town I met a person I donapos;t hate but -well- I donapos;t like her.
She was one of those apos;friendsapos; who just like you because of something.
So she liked me because I am well-doing in sports and she was kinda jealous or stuff like this.Itapos;s not that I had a bad day now just because I saw her.No.Itapos;s just that meeting her reminded me of other friends who did quite the same.I sometimes asked myself whether I am easy to fool or not. I am not,not really.Itapos;s just that I trust too much to those people.But how can I tell them apart? Are they really honest friends or are they just going to lie to me again?So you have to find out by trusting them a bit - thatapos;s the way I do. But now I am a bit superficial when I meet new people. I just look at them superficially - just how they look at me when they see me.So this is a great way of apos;telling them apartapos;.I donapos;t trust people that fast now.I just start to get to know them better stop looking just superficially.Then I can decide on my own whether I can trust them or not.But by time you learn whom you can trust and whom not.Itapos;s all about learning,just as it is like in school..

antecedentes de la alimentacion, frankfort ky, frankfort ks high school, frankfort ks, frankfort kingdom hall.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

amazing woman

Iapos;ve been blushing a lot for Vern and Lettuce while Iapos;ve been drawing this week, theyapos;ve been getting themselves in all sorts of embarrassing scrapes. Which is great, because Iapos;ve made a total idiot of myself several times this week (unfortunately not limited to this week, itapos;s something I do on a regular basis) and itapos;s nice to be able to project it all on two defenseless animals. But they are tough, they have no regrets

eve 6 leech lyrics, amazing woman, amazing wok san carlos, amazing wok menu, amazing wok ii cleveland.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bulgur cereal wheat

This is the blog that is a culmination of my last three days of thinking hard about us. At the end of this you can pass your judgments, and I honestly wonapos;t care. Iapos;m sick and tired of hiding who I am to please everyone else. My fear of being wrong, and of not conforming could cost me the man that I love more than anything. Iapos;m tired of hiding. If you donapos;t like it, then thatapos;s your problem, not mine, and Iapos;m tired of acting like it is. Iapos;m tired of being a child that canapos;t accept responsibility, being a child that has to have his way, and doesnapos;t see what he has.

Over the last 3 days Iapos;ve done more thinking than I ever have before, and I did it because Iapos;m about to lose someone that I canapos;t live without. I spent time looking back over our relationship, trying to figure out what went wrong, and I finally found it. I was the problem. I know that sounds horribly depressing, but itapos;s the honest truth. I spent the entire relationship telling you, itapos;s all your fault, you didnapos;t do this, you did this. I never once accepted the fact that I was in the wrong a lot of the time, and that I played stupid little games that didnapos;t need to be played.

Last night was when I REALLY came to the conclusion that it was my fault. I know that you had been telling me for a while that it was, but I was to childish to see it. When you told me that we were over, and that it was because I was a child I started trying to grow up.

I once said that you were the most precious thing to me, and that Iapos;d give anything for you. I still stand by that, and even if youapos;ve given up on us, I wonapos;t. I started by giving up my childish personality, and Iapos;ll keep giving until I have nothing left, because there is nothing in my life that means as much to me as you do.

You told me that your mind says to run, but your heart says to stay. When you said that I had restrain myself from saying FOLLOW YOUR HEART, because I donapos;t want to force you to do anything. I know that what we have is special, and that one day weapos;ll be together. I know that because I couldnapos;t stand to live my life with anyone else now that I know what true love feels like.

You have made me into something so much better than anything I could ever have been. I became a better person because I wanted to be someone worthy of having you. I was serious when I said that you deserved someone better. At the time I was depressed, and didnapos;t believe that I could ever be that kind of man for you, but now that I see what I have done all for you, I think I could one day be good enough for you.

You are an amazing person. You have been through a lot in your life, and Iapos;ve been through some stuff too; but through all of it we found each other. I donapos;t think I could ever just let you go. Iapos;ll keep fighting, even once youapos;ve long given up, because I believe that what we have is worth fighting for, even if itapos;s us against the world.

I canapos;t live without you baby. If the feelings are this strong for me, then I know that you have to feel them too. We all deserve to be happy, like we used to be when weapos;d lay in bed just holding each other. Waking up looking in each otherapos;s eyes. I get depressed every time I contemplate the idea that I may never have that feeling again. You are my everything, and as such, Iapos;ll give everything else if it means I can keep you. I mean that honestly...

I love you baby. Never doubt that. I still believe that somewhere deep down you still love me, and I hold onto that hoping that one day Iapos;ll hear you say it again.

One last thing. Iapos;m sorry. Iapos;m sorry that I never accepted any responsibility for the relationship, Iapos;m sorry that I never grew up, Iapos;m sorry for all those nights that I just assumed that you would come and rescue me, Iapos;m sorry for all of the fights. Most of all... Iapos;m sorry that I ruined us. I wish that I could take it all back and redo everything.

Please give me one more chance baby... I love you.

costa rico vacations, bulgur cereal wheat, bulgur calories, bulgur, bulguksa grotto seokguram temple.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

catheterization coronary angiography

'Het is niet waar dat alle rijke mensen ondeugdelijk zijn. Integendeel, rijkdom en een goede gezondheid vormen een ideale voedingsbodem voor een deugdzaam leven. (...) Onze verzorgingsstaat is trouwens het duidelijkste bewijs dat rijkdom niet vies is. Want onze vreedzame samenleving is het gevolg van die grote groep van mensen die relatief rijk en gezond zijn.' Aldus Geert Hoste in De Morgen van woensdag 19 oktober, zo sprekend omdat hij meningen te verkondigen had naar aanleiding van het verschijnen van een boekje over Socrates. Jaja, maar wat heet deugdzaamheid, en hoe vreedzaam is onze samenleving? Dat zijn natuurlijk vragen waar een komiek niet op antwoordt, want in zijn bajes van zelfgenoegzaamheid luiden regel 1, 2, 3 en alle andere, dat de pointe van een grap nooit mag worden verklapt. Maar grappig is Geert Hoste niet, hier niet, en elders evenmin, en toch ontbreekt het hem nooit aan pointes. Deze keer heeft hij ze in de lege zakken van de armoedzaaiers gestoken; ik had het zelf niet kunnen bedenken, maar Geert Hoste durft alles. (Ik woonde in de negentiger van de vorige een tijdlang rechtover hem, maar besloot toen toch maar wijselijk om te verhuizen.) (Ook heb ik in de jaren tachtig een flink aantal rijke en zeer rijke mensen ontmoet, sommigen dachten zelfs dat ze van kunst hielden, welwel.) Soms zet ik opmerkingen en bedenkingen of zo tussen haakjes, omdat wat tussen de regels dient gelezen te worden vaak overgeslagen wordt. Het betoogje van Geert Hoste doet me denken aan de bankier die hier vorige week verkleed als lid van de Lions Club in het warenhuis arme en domme drommels blikvoer en spaghettistokken afhandig maakte, 'voor de voedselbank,' zei hij, wisten zij veel; een zeer deugdzaam man.

catheterization coronary angiography, catheterization coronary, catheterization condom, catheterization complications.